
基于“野草之美”的城市化乡土景观新系统探析 被引量:1

Analysis on Urbanization Local Landscape New System Based on Beauty of Weeds
摘要 以野草植物元素为切入点,以城市某商业区域为背景基地,结合理论和技术研究,在探索乡土元素和城市景观关系的过程中,重塑城市的野草之美。 With weed element as the breakthrough point,a urban commercial area as background base,combined theory and technology research,the beauty of weeds in city was restored in the process of exploring relationship between local elements and urban landscape.
作者 严晶
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第26期10689-10690,10787,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 城市新系统 乡土 野草景观设计 Urban new system Local Weeds landscape design
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