用毛细管流变仪 ,于温度 180~ 2 0 0℃及切变速率 10 2~ 10 4s- 1条件下 ,考察了填料含量及其表面处理对玻璃微珠 (GB)填充聚丙烯 (PP)熔体流动性的影响。试样熔体流动服从幂律 ,流动曲线于切变速率为 5 0 0 s- 1处发生斜率变化 ;微珠表面经预处理的填充体系的粘度稍高于未经表面处理的体系 ;熔体剪切粘度 (ηw)对温度的依赖性符合 Arrhenius关系式 ,复合体系 ηw 对温度的敏感性高于纯 PP熔体 ;在相对低的切变速率下 ,ηw 随着微珠含量的增加而提高 。
The effects of filler content and its surface treatment with silane coupling agent on the melt flow properties of glass bead(GB) filled polypropylene(PP) composites, at shear rates from 10 2 to 10 4 s -1 and temperatures varied from 180 ℃ to 200 ℃, have been investigated using a capillary rheometer. The melt flow obeys power law, but the slopes of the flow curves appear variation at shear rate about 500 s -1 . The melt shear viscosity ( η w ) of PP/GB2 system (filler surface pretreated) is somewhat higher than that of PP/GB1 system at the same conditions applied. The dependence of the melt shear viscosity on temperatures accords with Arrhenius relationship, and the temperature sensitivity of the composite melts is greater than that of the pure PP. The melt shear viscosity increases with the volume fraction( Φ f ) of the glass beads at relatively low shear rates, while the dependence of the η w on Φ f decreases with the increase of shear rates.
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering