目的 探讨高位颈髓肿瘤的临床表现及诊断和治疗方法。方法 2 3例病人均作各种影像学检查 ,并施以手术治疗。结果 痊愈 17例 ,肿瘤全切除 ,临床症状明显改善 ,括约肌功能恢复 ;好转 4例 ,肿瘤部分切除 ,临床症状部分改善 ;无变化 2例 ,肿瘤部分切除 ,临床症状与术前相同。结论 借助X线、CT、MRI及其他检查可作出肯定诊断 ,术中仔细操作 ,术后加强观察 ,大多数病人能取得较好的疗效。
Objective To discuss the clinical manifestation,neuroimage diagnosis and treatment of upper cervical cord tumors. Methods 23 Patients were examined by x-ray,CT or MRI and treated with surgieal operation. Results 17 Patients were fully recovered ,4 were improved,2 were inefficacy. Conclusion X-ray, CT and MRI are quite valuable diagnostic methods for spinal cord tumors.Surgical operation is potentially beneficial to most patients with upper cervical cord tumors.