
基于一维光子晶体的Tamm态耦合实现可调双频滤波器 被引量:8

Implementation of Tunable Dual-band Filter Based on the Coupling of Tamm State of the 1-D Photonic Crystal
摘要 设计一个金属层-DBR-金属层的结构,研究两个相同光学Tamm态的耦合形成的耦合模式的特性。通过传输矩阵法,得出电磁波入射的透射谱。透射谱上有一对间距很小的孪生耦合透射峰。基于这对耦合模式可以实现可调双频窄带滤波器,其通带的位置和间距可以通过改变中间层的一维光子晶体的层数或者改变入射波的入射角度来调节。 In order to study the properties of the coupling modes of two identical optical Tamm states, the structure metal film-DBR-metal film was designed. The transmission map could be obtained by transfer matrix method. On the transmission map there was a couple of twin transmission dips of which the interval was relevantly tiny, which was coupled by the Tamm state of phonic crystal. Due to the coupling of modes a tunable dual-channel filter could be designed. The location and interval of channels could be tuned by changing the period number of the I-D photonic crystal or incidence angle.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期2406-2411,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 <应用非线性科学与技术>浙江省重中之重学科开放基金(xkz11012) 国家自然科学基金(60977048)
关键词 光子晶体 光学Tamm态 耦合 双频滤波器 photonic crystal optical Tamm state coupling dual-channel filter
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