通过盲孔法测量Inconel600焊接炉管振动时效处理前后筒体焊缝及热影响区的残余应力,测量结果表明振动时效处理对降低Inconel600焊接炉管的焊接残余应力有良好效果。焊后无时效处理的炉管,简体表面最大主应力可达752 MPa,经振动时效处理后,筒体表面最大主应力降低至266 MPa。
The residual stress of the cylinder and heat affected zone of Inconel 600 welded tubes were measured and compared with Marthar method before and after aging vibration.The results show that the maximum principal stress of the surface of the cylinder is 752 MPa after welding without aging vibration and 266 MPa after aging vibration.The test shown that the aging vibration has a good effect on reducing the welding residual stress of Inconel 600 welded furnace tube.
Welding & Joining