目的了解广州市美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)门诊新入组服药人员对美沙酮长期维持治疗的认知,为制定有针对性的干预措施以降低MMT服药人员脱失率提供参考依据。方法分别从白云等三个美沙酮维持治疗门诊的新入组治疗者中招募的符合研究要求的病例,共288例。采用自行设计的问卷对招募对象进行一对一面对面调查。结果新入组服药人员对MMT的期望较高,但认知存在一定误区。在MMT知晓上,除81.2%服用美沙酮期间同时吸毒会对身体造成很大损害外,93.0%认为美沙酮对身体有损害,治疗期间能少服还是尽量少服;91.2%认为美沙酮维持治疗是帮助他们戒毒;88.5%不认可需要长期甚至终身服用美沙酮;78.0%只回答正确五题中的一题或全部没有答对。结论 MMT门诊应采取有针对干预措施,强化服务意识,加强对新入组服药人员的健康教育工作,普及美沙酮维持治疗知识,减少服药人员治疗脱失。
Objective To investigate thecognitions toward MMT among new MMT users in Guangzhou city, and it's effective factors to provide scientific basis and intervening measure. Methods A totally of 288 newly admitted MMT users were interviewed in three MMT clinics in Guangzhou.A self-designed questionnaire was conducted one by one to assess MMT-related cognitions. Results The results showed that most of the new MMT users thought MMT was well-effectively,but MMT-related misconceptions were also very prevalent among them in Guangzhou. Majority of participants misconceived thatthe one should attempt to reduce its treatment dosage as methadone was harmful to one's health(93.0%);MMT was intended primarily for detoxification(91.2%), the one could be completely detoxified and quit using methadone after using it for 2-3 month(88.5%), that MMT was not a long-term or even lifetime treatment(88.5%); and 78.0% of the respondents possessed more than two types of misconceptions. Conclusion T MMT should popularize the knowledge of MMT and conduct effectivelyInterventions targeting such misconceptions among new users, which will be a good way to reduce the dropout.
China Medicine And Pharmacy