

Tarui Tokichi's China's Cognitive
摘要 19世纪末20世纪初,日本积极对外扩张,延展在东亚的利权,此时樽井藤吉提出了"亚细亚连带论",即同朝鲜合邦同中国合纵,认为中日合作对抗西方才是"大东合邦"的真实目的。但在日本政府吞并朝鲜、不断拓展在中国的既得利益下,樽井藤吉的中国认知最终变成了一种奢望与美好的愿景。 In the end of 19th century and early 20th century,Japan expanded overseas positively,stretched the right in east Asia,Tarui Tokichi' s Asia joint theory was proposed, that is, north Korea united with China, Chi- na-Japan cooperation against the west is the real purpose of Eastern states. Annexed Korea, Japanese govern- ment required their vested interests in China,Tarui Tokichi' s Chinese cognitive turned into a kind of hope and good vision.
作者 刘景瑜
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期61-63,共3页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
关键词 樽井藤吉 大东合邦 朝鲜 中国 Tarui Tokichi The east in the state North Korea China
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  • 1樽井藤吉.大束合邦论(日文网络版第九部分)[EB/OL].(2006-05-02)[2010-09-15]http://www.tl-shi-zuoka-ken.ac.jp/-saga/09.htm.
  • 2伊原泽周.甲午战争与大亚细亚主义的关系[EB/OL].(2004-09-17)[2010-09-15]http://jczs.news.sina.com.cn/2004-09-17/2220228141.html/.
  • 3福泽谕吉.福沢谕吉全集第5卷[M].东京:岩波书店,1970.
  • 4樽井藤吉.大柬合邦论(日文网络版)[EB/OL].(2006-05-22)[2010-09-15]http://www.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp/-saga/06.htm.
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