
我市城区孕早期妇女叶酸与出生缺陷预防认知调查 被引量:7

Survey on awareness of folic acid and birth defects prevention in early pregnant women in our city's downtown areas
摘要 目的调查我市城区孕早期妇女叶酸与出生缺陷相关知识的掌握程度。方法自制问卷调查表,对我市主城区402名孕早期妇女进行调查,调查内容包括孕妇的年龄、受教育程度、家庭收入、疾病史、家族史、职业、性格、孕期情况、叶酸的功能、缺乏叶酸可能导致的后果、增补情况等。结果研究中总体叶酸平均水平为(28.34±9.42)ng/mL,有245例(60.9%)研究对象了解神经管畸形病因,有190例(47.3%)了解神经管畸形分类,184例(45.8%)了解叶酸的作用,337例(83.8%)了解叶酸缺乏导致后果;logistic多因素回归分析结果表明,年龄<25岁、受教育程度<初中是神经管畸形病因知晓的危险因素,受教育程度<初中是患者不了解叶酸缺乏导致的后果的危险因素。结论我们要重视对受教育程度低、家庭收入低、年龄较轻的孕妇的孕期营养知识宣教。长期坚持增补叶酸的相关工作,切实有效降低围产儿神经管缺陷发生率,提高出生人口素质。 Objective To investigate the related knowledge level of folic acid and birth defects in early pregnant wom- en in our city's downtown areas. Methods A total of 402 early pregnant women in our city's downtown areas were in- vestigated by using self-made questionnaire, including the maternal age, educational level, family income, disease his- tory, family history, occupation, character, pregnancy, folic acid function, possible consequences caused by the lack of folic acid, supplement etc. Results In the study, the overall average level of folic acid was (28.34_+9.42)ng/mL, and there were 245 cases (60.9%) understood the etiology of neural tube defects, and 190 cases (47.3%) understood the classification of neural tube defects, and 184 cases(45.8%) understood the role of folic acid, and 337 cases(83.8%) un- derstood the consequences caused by the lack of folic acid; The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the age under 25 years old and education level below junior middle school were the risk factors for the awareness of e- tiology of neural tube defects, and education level below junior middle school was the risk factor for the patients who did not understand the consequences caused by the lack of folic acid. Conclusion The propaganda and education of nutrition knowledge during the pregnancy should be paid attention to for the pregnant women with low education level, low family income and younger. Insisting on the long-term related work of folic acid supplement can effectively reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in perinatal fetus, and improve the quality of the newborn population.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2013年第34期13-15,共3页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 叶酸 神经管畸形 孕妇 出生缺陷 Folic acid Neural tube defects Pregnant women Birth defects
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