
一种仿生机器鱼尾鳍推进机构的设计 被引量:7

Mechanism Design of a Caudal-fin-propelled Bionic Robotic Fish
摘要 通过对曲柄摇块机构的改进,设计了一种新型的仿生机器鱼尾鳍推进机构。利用Pro/E运动学仿真模块及ANSYS软件,给出了该机构实现直线游动的条件,以及实现转弯运动的3种不同方式及其适用场合。在此基础上,指出了仿生机构实现多种模态的直线游动和转弯动作的控制策略。仿真结果表明:运动过程中机构质心变化范围很小,同时惯性力对动态平衡影响也很小,从而验证了所设计结构的合理性。 By employing an improved Crank rocker mechanism, a new propulsion mechanism of caudal fin of bionic robotic fish is designed. By using the motion analysis module of Pro/E and ANSYS software, the conditions to achieve straight swimming are given for this mechanism. Meanwhile, three manners for this mechanism to achieve turning movement are given and the applicable situations are also proposed. Based on this, the control strategy is presented for this mechanism to carried out straight swimming and turning movement with multiple modules. In ad- dition, simulation results show that the centroid of mechanism changed within a limited range; and the inertia force has little influence on the dynamic balance of the propulsion mechanism. The present study verifies the validity of the design and provids the theory basis for the experiments of the bionic robotic fish.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1775-1779,共5页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61064008) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(211185) 甘肃省自然科学基金项目(1112RJZA042)资助
关键词 仿生机器鱼 尾鳍推进 机构设计 运动学分析 动力学分析 bionic robotic fish caudal fin propulsion mechanism design movement analysis kinematics analysis
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