目的探讨黄葵胶囊联合银杏达莫治疗慢性肾脏病(CKD)的效果。方法将48例CKD患者随机分成常规治疗组(A组)、常规治疗+黄葵胶囊组(B组)、常规治疗+黄葵胶囊+银杏达莫组(C组),观察各组患者治疗前后24 h尿蛋白、血尿素氮、血肌酐、总胆固醇、三酰甘油、全血黏度、血浆黏度及临床症状积分。结果治疗后各组患者的24 h尿蛋白水平差异有统计学意义(P=0.04),且B、C组的24 h尿蛋白水平明显低于A组,C组明显低于B组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);治疗后3组患者的血尿素氮、血肌酐、总胆固醇、三酰甘油、全血黏度、血浆黏度水平均有所下降,但A、B组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),C组与A、B组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论黄葵胶囊联合银杏达莫可降低尿蛋白水平,改善肾小管功能,抑制肾小管纤维化,延缓CKD的进展。
Objective To investigate the efficacy of abelmosk capsules combined with ginkgo-damole in the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods 48 cases of patients with CKD were randomly divided into conventional treatment group(group A),conventional treatment+abelmosk capsules group(group B) and conventional treatment+abel- mosk capsules+ginkgo-damole group (group C).The scores of 24-hour urine protein,blood urea nitrogen,blood creati- nine,total cholesterol,triglycerides,whole blood viscosity,plasma viscosity and clinical symptoms of both groups before and after treatment were observed. Results After the treatment,the 2d-hour urine protein levels were statistically dif- ferent between the 3 groups (P=0.04),group B and group C had significantly lower 24-hour urine protein levels than that of group A,and group C had significantly lower level than that of group B,with statistically significant differences (P〈0.01).After the treatment,the 24-hour urine protein,blood creatinine,total cholesterol,triglycerides,whole blood vis- cosity and plasma viscosity levels of all the 3 groups decreased,but group A and group B were not statistically different (P〉0.05),and group C was statistically different from group A and group B (P〈0.05). Conclusion Abelmosk capsules combined with ginkgo-damole can reduce urine protein,improve renal tubule function,inhibit renal tubule fibrosis and prolong progression of chronic kidney diseases.
China Modern Medicine
Abelmosk capsules
Chronic kidney disease
Urinary protein