

The Research of the Management and Allocation of the Grid Resource
摘要 任务调度技术的性能直接关系到网格任务执行的效率与质量,在网格计算技术的研究中,起着举足轻重的作用。在研究栅格网格基本概念、特性及体系结构的基础上,本文首先阐述了网格资源服务合约,再次对传统网络资源的调度技术、资源管理技术、综合考虑应用资源和光网络资源的资源联合调度技术、经济模式下基于竞拍机制的网络资源管理算法、基于Qos的分组式任务调度算法等进行了各有侧重又互相联系的研究,并对未来的发展做出了展望。 Since job scheduling algorithm is closely related to the efficiency and performance of Grid computing,it Plays an imporlant role in the research of Grid computing . Efficient Grid job scheduling mechanisms are studied by taking the characteristics of jobs and resources in to consideration. Based on the study of the essential conception, characteristics and architecture of optical grid, the author researches optical network resource service contract and the Problems of resource management, the classic management of resources, resource co-scheduling to combine network resources with application resources,a market model of resources allocation, dynamic QoS-based Task Scheduling. At last, the sum up of the above content and the expectation to research all kind of technologies further in the future.
出处 《山东工业技术》 2013年第11期234-235,246,共3页 Journal of Shandong Industrial Technology
关键词 网格计算 光网络资源服务合约 资源分配 Grid Computing Optical network resource service contract Resources Allocation
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