在《认知考古学》一书中,福柯集中讨论了一种全新的观念考古学方法。这种认知考古学不是传统历史研究中面对物性遗迹时对古代历史的考证,不是对已经死去的文本、物、资料的考证,而是要从"档案"中捕捉在话语实践中曾经发生的"话语性的系统(système de la discursivité)"。在这里,福柯所说的"档案"并不是指作为传统解释学研究对象的文本,而是一种"非物性的"抽象存在,是无法直观到的规律和系统。从这个意义上讲,福柯的考古学是一个更高层面中"描述思想的方法"——一种基于指认隐性话语实践的历史研究上的方法论自觉;而福柯所说的"认识型"只是这种认知考古学方法在科学史研究中的一个具体运用。在福柯那里,考古学与谱系学构成一个新史学方法论的整体,只是侧重点不同,考古学关注细部断裂和非连续性,而谱系学则是一种反对主体目的论、消除总体性话语、解构等级体系的新历史观。
In his book Archeology of Knowledge,Foucault centers on a new archeological approach to knowledge,which has nothing to do with the physical relics left by the gone-by history,as was done in the traditional historical studies.This methodology never deals with anything like deceased texts,stuff or documents,but the living systeme de la discursivite(system of discourse) in discursive practices.The archives in Foucault's conception are not the texts as taken in the traditional hermeneutical analysis,but,rather,a non-material being of abstraction,or a non-direct given of principles and systems.Foucault's archeology is,in this sense,a methodology for the description of ideas on an advanced level,or a methodological awareness in historical studies with a direction to the explicit discursive practices.In Foucault's writings,while together comprising the structure of a new methodology in historical studies,archeology and genealogy have their distinct focuses respectively,with the former caring more about local breaks and discontinuities,and the latter,as a new perspective in history,being against the teleology of the subject,undoing the discourses of totality,and deconstructing all hierarchical systems.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)