
英国环境史上沉重的一页——泰晤士河三文鱼的消失及其教训 被引量:10

A Sad Page in British History of the Environment:The Extinction of Salmon in the Thames and Its Effect
摘要 三文鱼是出入淡水和咸水两种生境的一个重要物种,也是一个反映水质是否优良、生态系统是否健康的有用指示物。英国的很多河流曾以三文鱼洄游著称,它们甚至获得了"三文鱼河"之称。历史上,209英里长的泰晤士河下游65英里的河段拥有三文鱼洄游,泰晤士河三文鱼还因其味道鲜美而被人们认为是英格兰的上上品。然而,到19世纪四五十年代泰晤士河里的三文鱼消失不见了,这是人类筑坝建闸和污染河流的结果。历史上泰晤士河里三文鱼的绝迹固然是这一物种本身的悲剧,而这一悲剧也从一个角度折射出近代工业和城市发展带来的问题,即环境污染及其对自然和社会的危害。这一问题促使我们更全面地认识工业革命所催生的工业文明的结果和影响,更好地思考如何从这一历史影响中汲取教训。 Salmon is an important species living in both freshwater and saltwater habitats,thus a valuable indicator of the quality of river water and the salubrity of the aqua-ecosystem.Many rivers in Britain used to be so well known for salmon migration that they gained the title of 'Salmon Rivers'.Historically recorded,there was salmon migration within the 65-mile lower reaches of the Thames,totally209 miles in length.It used to be believed that there were no better Salmon in England than elsewhere.However,due to damming and contamination,salmon disappeared from the Thames since between 1850s-60s.The extinction of Salmon from the Thames is surely a big tragedy for this species itself,making clear the problems brought forth by the growth of industrial and urban cultures,or rather,by the environmental pollution and its damage to nature and society.This issue leaves us with a closer consideration of the consequences and impacts of the culture brought forth by the Industrial Revolution,thus a moral that we should learn.
作者 梅雪芹
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期15-29,154,共15页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
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  • 1H.F.Wallis,"Salmon in the Thames," Illustrated London News,January 25,1975; pg.28.
  • 2Issue 6918,Illustrated London News Ltd.,Gale Document Number:HN3100515779.
  • 3Bill Luckin,Pollution and Control:A Social History of the Thames in the Nineteenth Century,Bristol and Boston,Adam Hilger,1986.
  • 4Anne Hardy,“Book Review on BILL LUCKIN,Pollution and Control:A Social History of the Thames in the Nineteenth Century,”Medical History,Vol.31,No.2,1987,PP.233-234.
  • 5Lawrence E.Breeze,The British Experience with River Pollution,1865-1876,Peter Lang Publishing,Incorporated,1993.
  • 6Dale H.Porter,The Thames Embankment:Environment,Technology and Society in Victorian London,Akron,Ohio:University of Akron Press,1998.
  • 7Bill Luckin,“London's Thames:The River That Shaped a City and Its History (review),”Technology and Culture,Vol.47,No.4,2006,p.846.
  • 8Stephen Halliday,The Great Stink of London,Sir Joseph Bazalgette and Cleansing of the Victorian Metropolis,History Press,1999.
  • 9Gloria C.Clifton,Professionalism,Patronage and Public Service in Victorian London:The Staff of the Metropolitan Broad of Works,1858-1889,London:Athlone Press,1992.
  • 10Bill Luckin,“London's Thames:The River That Shaped a City and Its History(review),”Technology and Culture,Vol.47,No.4,2006,p.846.










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