近年来国内外已有用大剂量静脉丙种球蛋白 (IVIG)治疗川崎病 (KS)患者。为进一步确定其疗效 ,用IVIG治疗KS 38例 ,对照组 2 6例用阿斯匹林 (ASP)治疗。IVIG组采用IVIG 4 0 0mg/kg·d连用 4~ 6d ,或 1g/kg·d用 1d ,同时给予阿司匹林 ,直至血小板计数和血沉降至正常。对照组除了未用IVIG外 ,其余治疗相同。资料显示IVIG组的发热消退时间 ,粘膜充血消退时间及手、足肿胀消退时间均明显短于对照组。说明IVIG在控制炎症方面优于ASP。IVIG组冠状动脉扩张(CAD)发生率为 7 9% ,而对照组CAD发生率为 2 3 1% ,两组间差异有显著性 ,进一步证实IVIG能有效地预防冠状动脉损害。
Sixty four cases of KS were divided into two groups according to two different treatment methods randamly. IVIG group:38 cases treated with IVIG 400mg/(kg·d),4~6 day or l g/(kg·d) and ASP. Control group:26 cases treated with ASP only. Disappearing time of fever mucocutaneous injest, extremitas swelling in IVIG group were significently shorter than that in the control group.However disappearing time of rash and lymphopathy in IVIG group were not significantly shorter than that in the control group. CAD incidence was 7.9% in IVIG group,23.1% in control group,there was siginificant difference between two groups. The results suggested that IVIG was better than ASP in controling inflammation.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College