2Burt Herman, "Noah Korea Agrees to End Nuclear Program,"Associated Press, September 19, 2005.
3Edward Cody, "U. S. Raises Objections to Chinese Proposal in North Korea Talks," Washinaton Post, September 18. 2005.
4David E.Sanger and Wiiliam J. Broad,"UN Atom Chief Certain North Korea Has Made Fuel for 4 to 6 Bombs," New York Times, December 7,2004.
5Lawrence S. Wittner, Toward Nuclear Abolition : A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movemem, 1971 to the Present, Stanford:Stanford University Press, 2003.
6James Clay Mohz and C. Kenneth Quinones, "Getting Serious about a Multilateral Approach to North Korea," The Nonproliferation Review,Spring 2004, pp. 136 - 144.
7"N. Korea Threatens to Hold Missile Tests, Slams U.S. ," New York Times, March 2, 2005.
8Time Out for North Korea,"Asia Times,August 9,2005.
9"U. S. Threatens Korea Asset Freeze,"Beijing, China(Reuters)CNN. Com, September 17, 2005.
10Joseph Kahn and David E. Sanger, "U. S. - Korean Deal on Arms Leaves Key Points Open," New York Times, September 20, 2005.
3Lin Limin Dr. is Research Professor and Director of Center for Strategic Studies, CICIR, Editor in Chief of Contemporary International Relations. He has research interests largely in macro studies of international and strategic issues. Dr. Lin has written a large number of articles for academic journals, he is also the coauthor of a number of books, and author of Containing China——Korean War and Sino-U.S. Relations..Korean Nuclear Crisis Management Versus China's Diplomatic Options[J].Contemporary International Relations,2006,16(8):15-31.
5Sun Ru is Associate Research Professor of the Institute of American Studies,CICIR.She focuses on U.S.Foreign Policy and Asia Pacific Security issues..Sino-U.S.Cooperation in North Korean Nuclear Issue[J].Contemporary International Relations,2007,17(5):8-28.