
债务危机对欧盟对外政策和行为方式的影响——外交政策分析的视角 被引量:3

The Impact of Debt Crisis on the EU's External Policy and Acting Behavior-A Foreign Policy Analysis Perspective
摘要 本文从外交政策分析的视角,通过欧盟对外政策各行为体的关系、对外政策优先以及对外政策能力等要素的变化研究,分析了债务危机对欧盟对外政策和行为方式的影响。本文认为,危机以两种不同的方式影响了欧盟对外战略的发展态势。一方面,危机显著改变了欧盟与新兴国家之间的力量平衡,面对日益增强的竞争压力,欧盟倾向于采取更加进取的对外战略;另一方面,缘于危机对其行动能力的限制,欧盟不得不实施收缩、务实的对外战略,且更加重视周边和具有优势的重点领域。一个"双向化"的欧洲正在出现。 Under the framework of foreign policy analysis,this paper focuses on the changes of the EU' s external policy and its acting behavior in the international world brought about by the debt crisis through the lens of the changing power relations among the different actors within the EU,and its changing priorities and capacities.This paper comes out with the following conclusions as to the future seemingly contradictory trends of the EU's external policy.On one side,the EU will be more assertive in claiming interests in the face of increasing competition from the emerging powers who have been relatively strengthened by the debt crisis.On the other side,due to the constraints imposed by the debt crisis on its external capabilities,the EU will have to practise a more contracted and pragmatic foreign policy,focusing more on its narrowed priorities.Thus comes a ' two-head' EU.
作者 金玲
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期51-65,5-6,共15页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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