知识经济时代的到来 ,人类自身的不断进步 ,素质教育的深入推进 ,国际教育改革的涌动 ,使创新教育已成为当代我国教育改革、发展的主旋律。实施创新教育 ,关键在于教育制度的创新 ,走向校本管理。创新教育的实施是一项艰巨而复杂的工作 ,需要从营造有利于创新的观念场、促进教育制度的创新、改革教学方法、提高教师素质、发挥当代教育技术的作用
WT5”BZ]With the advent of the era of knowledge economy,steady progress of human beings,and further practice of quality oriented education,etc.,innovative education has become the theme of reform and development of education in China.The key to carrying out innovative education is innovation of educational system.To carry out innovative education is a difficult and complicated task.To fulfil the task,one must begin with the following five aspects.First,create an atmosphere that is beneficial to innovation.Second,promote innovation of educational system.Third,reform teaching method.Fourth,improve teachers' quality.Fifth,make use of modern education technology. [WT5”FZ]
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)