对多方当事人争议采用何种适当的仲裁程序予以解决是仲裁领域中的一大难题。伦敦海事仲裁员协会仲裁规则(LMAA terms)规定仲裁庭有权对多方当事人争议进行合并仲裁,伦敦海事仲裁实践和1996年英国仲裁法均坚持进行合并仲裁须以当事人的明确协议为前提,但当事人对LMAA仲裁规则的选择适用亦属此类协议的范围,伦敦海事仲裁中的这一难题由此灵活而巧妙地得到了较为妥善的解决。
How to solve the multi-party disputes with proper p roceedings is a problem in the commercial arbitration.According to the LMAA term s,the arbitrator has power to order consolidation of proceedings or concurrent h earings.From the practice of London Maritime Arbitration and 1996 English Arbitr ation Act,the basis of consolidated arbitration is the parties' agreement includ ing the parties' agreement to LMAA terms,therefore the problem in London Maritim e Arbitration is properly solved.