
英语词典释义范式演进逻辑的编者语言观阐释 被引量:1

On the Paradigm Shifts in the Defining Practice of English Lexicographers: A Perspective of the Compiler's View of Language
摘要 词典编者既是语言的记录者,也是语言的阐释者。词典编纂的释义过程就是编者语言观的践行过程。考察词典文本中的释义范式可以探究编者的语言观,并反观编者语言观对词典文本设计特征的重要影响。本研究选择了三部颇具代表性的英语语文词典作为考察对象,对它们的释义范式做了历时比较研究,旨在探讨词典释义范式背后的词典编者主体性相关问题,并以此为鉴,重新审视当今以"用户视角"为主流范式的词典学研究中"编者视角"的理论与实践定位。 Dictionary compilers interpret rather than describe a language. In the process of defining headwords, the compiler's view of the language is in fact, though not very explicitly, illustrated. An investigation into the defining paradigm of a dictionary can help understand the compiler's view of language and further examine his motivations in introducing certain lexicographical design features. The present authors, adopting a diachronic perspective, attempt to justify the role of compilers when deciding on the design features of a dictionary. And three representative English general-purpose dictionaries are chosen for an in- depth analysis. Hopefully, some clarification is offered for lexicographers or metalexicographers as to why in the current context of user perspective, the compiler perspective is still of continuing importance, both theoretically and practically.
机构地区 南京大学
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期95-100,共6页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"基于大规模语料库和WordNet词库的英汉学习型词典设计特征知识获取"(编号:09YJAZH042)阶段性成果 南京大学"985工程"三期改革型项目"当代西方语言学前沿理论研究及应用探索"(编号:NJU985JD05)子课题"双语学习型词典设计特征研究"项目资助
关键词 英语词典 释义范式 编者语言观 用户视角 编者视角 English dictionaries definingparadigms compiler's view of language userperspective compiler perspective
  • 相关文献


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