
国祚留心底华章走笔锋--《高等工程教育研究》创刊三十周年感言 被引量:1

In Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Research in Higher Education of Engineering
摘要 值此《高等工程教育研究》创刊30周年之际,从三个方面发表感言:一是感激,对一路支持杂志发展的中国工程院教育委员会、教育部高教司、全国高校的领导、教师和广大作者、读者以及杂志顾问委员会、编委会和编辑部表示衷心感谢;二是感奋,通过回顾杂志所经历的两个高峰,以教育的重建和工程的回归来概括改革开放后中国工程教育复兴之路上的两个阶段,证明杂志一直走在服务国家、面向工程、促进教育、推动研究的正道上,从而对杂志的未来发展充满信心;三是感悟,总结三十年的办刊经验,提出未来的愿景,即办一份有用、有料、有品的杂志,继续尽绵薄之力,效作嫁之劳,为中国从工程教育大国走向工程教育强国提供最好的研究交流平台。 On the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Research in Higher Education of Engineering, I' d like to deliver the speech from three perspectives. Firstly, my heartfelt gratitude goes to Chinese Engineering Education Committee, Higher Education Department of Ministry of Education, leaders and teachers from all the higher institutions, all the authors, readers, the advising committee, editing board and editing department of this magazine. Secondly, I dare to say that our magazine has proven to be the right way of serving the country, promoting education and enhancing research by looking back on the two highlights the magazine has experienced, and by concluding the two periods of the re-vival of Chinese engineering education from the reconstruction of education and returning of engineer-ing; therefore, we have strong confidence in the future of the magazine. Thirdly, I want to show my future plan for the magazine. By summing up the experience of the past 30 years, we will try to create a practical, useful and high-quality magazine to provide a best research and communication platform for China to become a strong country in engineering education.
作者 姜嘉乐
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期40-45,85,共7页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务项目(工程科技人才培养研究)“30年来中国工程教育模式改革和未来发展趋势研究”(11JDGC025)的阶段性成果
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