
斯里兰卡内战结束以来印度对斯政策分析 被引量:4

India's Sri Lanka Policy Following the Sri Lankan Civil War
摘要 自2009年斯里兰卡内战结束以来,印度积极参与了斯里兰卡的重建与和解进程并推动两国的经济一体化。但是印度的对斯里兰卡政策并未能取得预定的效果。除了受自身实力、斯里兰卡外交独立性、泰米尔纳德邦等因素的制约外,地区战略的排他性从根本上也影响了印度对斯里兰卡政策的效果。 Since Sri Lanka' s civil war ended in 2009, India has actively participated in its post -war reconstruction and reconciliation process and promoted economic integration between the two countries. While so, India has not obtained the expected dividends from its policy towards Sri Lanka. In addition to constraints stemming from its own capacity, from the independent nature of Sri Lankan diplomacy and from factors related to Tamil Nadu State, Sri Lanka' s isola- tionist regional strategy has fundamentally undermined the effectiveness of India' s policy towards Sri Lanka.
作者 李捷 曹伟
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期116-132,共17页 South Asian Studies
关键词 印度 斯里兰卡 对外政策 India Sri Lanka Foreign Policy
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