
儿童贫血状况与影响因素分析 被引量:8

Analysis of the factors affecting the epidemiology of anemia in children
摘要 目的了解儿童贫血患病情况及影响因素,为制定有效的预防儿童贫血策略提供科学依据。方法对1479名1~5岁儿童氰化高铁法测定血红蛋白、胶体金标记免疫层析法测定铁蛋白,并问卷调查儿童家庭情况、个人情况以及儿童营养与饮食状况。结果儿童贫血患病率为4.26%,男童贫血患病率高于女童,1~2岁组儿童贫血患病率最高。在母亲文化程度、家庭收入、铁蛋白含量、食用肉类等方面差异有统计学意义。结论儿童贫血患病情况与喂养方式、辅食添加、家庭状况等因素相关。开展普及儿童健康教育工作,指导家长科学喂养,合理膳食,减少孕期及哺乳期贫血的发生,对降低儿童缺铁性贫血患病率有重要意义。 [ Objective ] The purpose of the study was to investigate the epidemiology of anemia in children as well as their interconnections to provide scientific evidence for the prevention of anemia in children. [ Methods ] We applied hemiglohincyanide method to determine the hemoglobin and colloidal gold marked immunochromatography assay to determine the ferritin in 1479 children between 1 to 5 years old. The questionnaires were also used to know these children' family backgrounds, personal information, nutrition and diets. [ Resluts ] The incidence rate of anemia in children was 4.26%. Boys had higher rates of both anemia and ferritin deficiency than girls. Children between 1 to 2 years old group had the highest rates of anemia and ferritin deficiency. There are some statistical differences between education degree of mother, household income, concentration of lactoferrin and meat. [ Conclusion ] Epidemiology of anemia in children is related to some factors such as feeding patterns, complementary food and family status. In order to reduce the incidence of iron-deficiency anemia in children, it is important to popularize health education about children, guide parents about scientific feeding method, rational diet and reduce anemia during pregnancy and lactation.
出处 《中国妇幼卫生杂志》 2013年第6期23-24,共2页 Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health
关键词 儿童 缺铁 贫血 因素分析 Children ferritin Deficiency anemia investigation and analysis
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