
“共同但有区别的责任”原则的再阐释与落实困境——一种基于对中国环境非政府组织作用的考察 被引量:6

Reinterpretations of the “Common and Differentiated Responsibilities” Principle and the Predicaments in Its Implementation: An Analysis Based on the Role of Chinese Environmental NGOs
摘要 环境国际公约或"国际共识"谈判中参与国政府的立场是国内政治环境与竞争性力量制约之下的结果,签署国政府对所达成国际共识的再阐释与落实会深受不断变化着的国内政治环境与竞争性力量的影响。假如缺乏来自国内外环境公民社会的充分而强大的压力,签署国政府将很可能会成为环境国际共识再阐释与落实中的"理性选择者"——最大限度地利用原则本身的弹性或"缺陷"来捍卫本国的短期利益。以中国为例的分析表明,缺乏来自民间力量实质性推动的中国政府,的确更容易坚持一种拒斥共同性、长远性和领导性责任维度的政治认知与政策立场,而以2009年哥本哈根气候变化会议为标志,民间环保团体似乎也更加趋向于采取一种与政府合作的立场,并得到了来自政府相关部门方面的积极回应。这种"良性互动构型"的形成也许会有助于环境非政府组织自身的成长并发挥一种更具建设性的作用,但很可能不利于政府实现全球气候变化应对政策和一般性生态环境保护政策的阶段性提升以及环境NGO的国际化拓展。 The governments' positions in the negotiations over environmental international conventions or consensus are the results of the internal political situations and the competitive forces' restraints in participating countries.The reinterpretations of the consensus and their implementation by the governments will be deeply influenced by the situations and the forces.Without sufficient and strong pressures from citizen societies at home and abroad,the governments may well become those who would make 'rational choice'when they explain and implement the consensus–to defend the short-term interests of their countries by taking advantages of the flexibility or'defects'of the principle as much as they can.In the case of China,without substantial push from civilian forces,it is indeed easier for Chinese government to insist on rejecting a political recognition and policy position of common,long-term and leading responsibilities.Beginning from the Copenhagen,Chinese environmental NGOs tend to take a position of cooperation with the government and get active responses from the related departments of the government.The configuration of 'benign interactions'may be beneficial to the growth of the NGOs and their more constructive role,but may not be helpful for the government to implement the policies confronting climate change and uplift its environmental polices to a higher level.It may also not helpful to the expansion of the international influences of Chinese environmental NGOs.
作者 郇庆治
出处 《国际社会科学杂志(中文版)》 2013年第2期76-85,7+12,共10页 International Social Science Journal(Chinese Edition)
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