Presented is a new testing system based on using the factor models and self-organizing feature maps as well as the method of filtering undesirable environment influence. Testing process is described by the factor model with simplex structure, which represents the influences of genetics and environmental factors on the observed parameters - the answers to the questions of the test subjects in one case and for the time, which is spent on responding to each test question to another. The Monte Carlo method is applied to get sufficient samples for training self-organizing feature maps, which are used to estimate model goodness-of-fit measures and, consequently, ability level. A prototype of the system is implemented using the Raven's Progressive Matrices (Advanced Progressive Matrices) - an intelligence test of abstract reasoning. Elimination of environment influence results is performed by comparing the observed and predicted answers to the test tasks using the Kalman filter, which is adapted to solve the problem. The testing procedure is optimized by reducing the number of tasks using the distribution of measures to belong to different ability levels after performing each test task provided the required level of conclusion reliability is obtained.