
汽车发动机珩磨缸孔形状精度分析与控制 被引量:7

Shape Accuracy Analysis and Control for Honing Hole of Automobile Cylinder
摘要 利用MATLAB软件对汽车发动机缸孔珩磨时油石磨粒运动轨迹进行仿真和分析,发现磨粒轨迹分布存在缺陷:缸孔两端磨粒轨迹分布稀疏,该部位的材料去除率就小;中间部位比较密集,材料去除率较大,导致缸孔呈腰鼓形。基于仿真结果,根据生产经验和理论分析,提出了改善缸孔腰鼓形状的几种措施。 This paper finds that the grinding particle trajectory distribution defects lead to a drum-shaped cylinder hole through simulation and analysis of automobile engine cylinder hole honing trajectory by MATLAB software. The grinding particle trajectory distribution is sparse on both ends of the cylinder holes and the material removal rate is low; while it is intensive on the middle and the material removal rate is high. Based on the simulation results, this paper finally develops several measures to improve cylinder hole shape according to the production experience and theoretical analysis.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期63-65,共3页 Machine Design And Research
基金 汽车发动机制造精度控制的"两微米"工程(2012BAF06B03)
关键词 磨粒轨迹分布 材料去除率 腰鼓形 改善措施 grinding particle trajectory distribution material removal rate drum-shaped improvement measures
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