介绍了皖电东送淮南至上海特高压交流输电示范工程(特高压沪西1 MV变电站)档案管理的重要性,依据上海市电力公司对档案管理的标准与规范,解读了对重大电力示范工程项目档案管理的要求,指出了当前工程项目档案管理中的一些难点和问题。通过严格执行《工程档案管理实施细则》及亲临现场指导和监督实践,取得了档案管理工作的成效。
This article introduced the lectric high voltage AC transmission importance of file management in Anhui Huainan East supremacy Hite e- demonstration project (Huxi 1MV UHV substation). According to the Shanghai Power Grid Inspection and Maintenance Company for files management standards and norms, the ar- ticle interpret the major power demonstration project file management requirements. It also pointed out some current difficulties and problems in file management. Through the strict implementation "project file manage- ment implementation details" and went to the site guidance and supervision practice, we have made achieve- ments in file management.
Power & Energy