
中华农耕文明伦理观的历史足迹及城乡二元结构伦理溯源 被引量:6

The Historical Footprint of Ethical Idea on Chinese Agricultural Civilization and Its Urban-rural Dual Structure
摘要 中华农耕文明的核心是儒、道、佛融合一体,以儒教为主的伦理观。它经过家族关系的自发演化,以礼乐的形态衍发于西周的封建时代,"礼不下庶人,刑不上大夫",城乡二元结构的伦理观萌芽于此初现。商鞅变法发展了管子的耕战论,秦政权借以将农民与土地紧密连属,建成中央集权的大帝国,城乡二元结构进一步定型;汉承秦制,益以儒家纲常伦理系统,构成分散的农民与中央集权大帝国的伦理支柱,城乡二元结构趋于完善而巩固。儒家伦理观经隋唐的儒、道、佛的互相融合渗透有所光大,但对城乡二元结构无所触动。宋以后,由道学而理学,儒家伦理日趋僵化。儒家伦理观引导我国走过艰难、光辉的道路,但随着世界进入工业时代,与海洋、工商文明相比,传统的农耕伦理观相形见绌。甲午战争、辛亥革命和文化大革命的三次败绩,进一步揭露了儒教伦理的不足恃。我国历代政权在保护城市利益的同时,不自觉地巩固了农村的落后,城乡之间形成历史性鸿沟。目前统筹兼顾的城镇发展计划,显现城乡差别走向消除的曙光。我国城乡二元结构彻底破除之时,应为我国新的伦理观萌发之日。我国传统农业伦理中富含普世价值的优秀基因,将投身历史的熔炉重新锻造,与其他文明的伦理系统相融合,蜕变孕育全新的中华伦理观,对人类发展作出新贡献。 The core of Chinese agricultural civilization is the ethical idea that mixes Confucianism, which is dominated, with Buddhism and Daoism. It contains several stages. The ethical idea of Li and Yue derived from the family relationship in the Western Zhou dynasty. As an ethical system, Li is irrelevant to commoners and punishment is never used for royalty. The urban-rural dual structure emerged. Along with Guan Zhong's theory of planting and war fairs and Reforms of Shang Yang, the intimate relationship between farmers and land property was set up by the Qin Dynasty regime. While the centralized empire was established, the urban-rural dual structure was finalized. In the Han Dynasty, the regime was strengthen by the confucian ethics. So the ur- ban-rural dual structure was improved and consolidated. Confucian ethics were enhanced when Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism were mixed together and penetrated each other in the Sui and Tang dynasties. After theSong dynasty, Neo-Confucianism made Confucian ethics more rigid. Although Confucian ethics guided our country along the historical road which had been covered difficulties and glorious, it is inferior to modern civi- lizations as the world enters the industrial era. There are series failures in the last centuries, such as The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Revolution of 1911 and the Great Cultural Revolution, which show that Confucianism ethics could not be relied on. All of dynasties involuntarily consolidate rural backwardness while protecting the interests of citizen. Then the historical gap between urban and rural areas has taken enlarged. The current policy of the government tends to balance and coordinate the development of rural and urban. When urban-rural dual structure been eliminated, the new ethical idea should germinating. There are a lot of valuable genes in the traditional Chinese agricultural ethics. It will be reinvented with the ethics of other mod- ern civilizations. Finally a new Chinese ethical system will make significant contributions to the development of human.
出处 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期3-12,共10页 Agricultural History of China
基金 草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室基本科研业务费(04410211)
关键词 中华农耕文明 伦理 城乡二元结构 儒家 儒教 理学 Chinese agricultural civilization ethic urban-rural dual structure Confucian Confucian-ism Neo-Confucianism
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