
人胎盘无细胞悬液对骨髓造血干/祖细胞的体外扩增作用 被引量:1

In Vitro Expansion of Bone Marrow Stem/Progenitor Cells by Human Placental Cell-Free Suspension
摘要 为了探讨人胎盘无细胞悬液对骨髓造血干 /祖细胞的体外扩增作用及与已知的几种细胞因子进行比较 ,用人胎盘无细胞悬液及IL 3,GM CSF ,IL 3+IL 6+GM CSF +EPO作为刺激因子 ,并应用甲基纤维素半固体培养体系对骨髓GM CFU ,GM GEMM和BFU E进行了培养和比较。研究结果表明 ,人胎盘无细胞悬液对骨髓CFU GM ,CFU GEMM和BFU E体外扩增最适蛋白浓度是 2 0 0 - 30 0μg/L ,人胎盘无细胞悬液作刺激因子对骨髓造血干 /祖细胞的体外扩增效果优于单独IL 3,单独GM CSF和IL 3+IL 6+GM CSF +EPO组。结论提示 ,人胎盘无细胞悬液可能含有多种细胞因子 ,用人胎盘无细胞悬液作扩增剂体外扩增骨髓造血干 In order to explore the expansive effect of human placental cell-free suspension (HPCFS) on bone marrow hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, and to compare the effect of HPFCS with some cytokines and their combination, human marrow CFU-GM, CFU-GEMM and BFU-E were assayed in a semisolid methyl cellulose culture system using HPCFS, IL-3, GM-CSF, and IL-3+IL-6+GM-CSF+EPO as colony stimulating factors, respectively. The results showed that HPCFS stimulated the growth of CFU-GM, CFU-GEMM and BFU-E and the optimal concentrations for stimulating effect were 200-300 μg protein/L, and the yield of 3 kinds of colony in HPCFS group was higher than that in IL-3, GM-CSF and IL-3+IL-6+GM-CSF+EPO groups. The expansive effect of HPCFS on marrow progenitors was superior to IL-3, GM-CSF and IL-3+IL-6+GM-CSF+EPO. Human placental cell-free suspension contained a variety of cytokines to stimulate proliferation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, and it could be used as an efficacious and inexpensive agent to expand hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in vitro.
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第4期299-301,共3页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
基金 广东省医学科学技术研究基金资助 编号A199815 4
关键词 胎盘无细胞悬液 造血干/祖细胞 骨髓 体外扩增 placental cell-free suspension hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell bone marrow cell expansin in vitro cytokine
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