目的 :观察高渗甘露醇治疗失血性休克疗效及机制。方法 :观察 42例失血性休克患者应用高渗甘露醇后血压、脉搏变化。结果 :85 .7%病例用药后血循环 10 min内恢复 ,血压回升 ,可维持 30~ 90 min。结论 :高渗甘露醇治疗失血性休克效果良好 ,经济方便 ,为抢救患者赢得了时间。
Objective:To observe the effect and mechanism of treatment of Hemorrhagic Shock with Mannitol.Methods:42 cases of Hemorrhagic Shock were treated with 20% Mannitol.During the treatment,the pulse and blood pressure of patients were measured.Results:Blood pressure of 36 cases(85.7%)raised to normal level in 10mins and kept for 30~90mins.Conclusion:Mannitol is an effective,fast and cheap drug to treat Hemorrhagic Shock.
Acta Medicinae Sinica