The use of literature, video observation, mathematical statistics method, To our country 2010-2012 3 domestic matches the uneven bars finals before 8 players as well as the 30 London Olympics uneven bars final 8 contestants performed by complete sets of action research. Analysis of the London Olympic Games period our country women's uneven bars technology present situation: Law to "Jump on the high bar, Stretch the" action for the mainstream; Purgation "Regiment two weeks turn 360?" and "Backflip two week under" action for the mainstream; "Parke flip" become Chinese team high change low action "that moves"; "The low bar pedal bar arc for holding high bar" is our team low for mainstream action, Become the referee strict deduction "Soft costal region"; Orchestration connection string to "Hree link" to the mainstream, With "Turn, turn, Lin Ling as Eger." as the mainstream of Connection, connection value of complete set of movements in comparison with the world level lower; Our team overall D points lower than the world level, And the completion of an action quality difference is bigger. China Women's development as soon as possible that D group above the low bar for holding high bar movement, Efforts to develop "The loop body, Two connecting flight" action, improve the "Big circle" and "The near bar circle" turn into "Inverted and flexion- back into inverted" action to improve our quality, uneven bars the overall competitive level.
Sichuan Sports Science
Uneven bars
Technical level