
浅谈电影题材对票房的影响 被引量:3

Discussion on the Influence on the Box Office of Movie Theme
摘要 电影作为国家文化软实力的重要组成部分,正扮演着愈加重要的角色,影响电影票房的因素也是纷繁复杂.本文从电影题材这个角度,简单分析题材选择对票房的影响,通过对2012年全年周票房数据的分类整理,根据周票房排名前5名的各类电影数目,得到8类题材的得分数据,运用三组耐抗线方法,建立电影题材与票房之间关系的数学模型.进一步,用同样的方法比较了国产影片与进口影片的票房与题材之间的关系,对比科幻类和动画类电影,国产电影明显逊色,且各类题材的进口影片票房要普遍高于国产电影,而国产影片的题材类型则更加丰富,且发展速度较快. As an important constituent of the national cultural soft power,film industry is playing an increasingly important role and the influencing factors of the movie box office are complicated.From the point of the movie theme,this article simply analyses how the choice of subject matters influence the box office.By classifying the week box office data of year 2012 according to the number of types of films whose week box office are of the top 5,we get the scores of the 8 types.Then we set up the mathematical model of the relationship between the movie theme and the box office by using the three group resistance line method.Further,we compare the relationship of the box office and film theme between the domestic and imported movies by using the same method.Imported movies do a better job than their domestic counterparts in areas such as science fiction and animation.The box office of the imported movie is higher than the domestic movie in each kind of theme as general,while domestic films are of more types and developing fast.
作者 沈洁 刘秀敏
出处 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第6期1-6,共6页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 电影题材 得分 票房 三组耐抗线 movie theme score box office the three group resistance line method.
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