Main object of this paper is to study the impact of Uyghur sand therapy on OA rabbit femur sclerotin. Through CT scanning method four times (before and after establishment of OA model, 14th day and 28th day of sand treatment) of femoral data of two experimental objects were collected. After importing the CT data to MIMICS, femoral tissues were segmented, and the femurs were delaminated 6 sclerotins according to the differences of CT value and volumes of each sclerotin were recorded. Change of the percentage of each sclerotins in total femur bone volume and average CT value were analyzed. Through analyzing four times of data, it was found that the total bone volume of femur was increased in sand treatment object, while that was decreased in control object. And meanwhile average CT value was increased in sand treatment object, on the contrary that was decreased in control object. After all it was concluded that sand treatment boosts bone metabolism and leads to the sclerotins transfer from low CT value to higher CT value in OA objects.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)