
国内外多模态隐喻研究新动态 被引量:4

Recent Developments of the Study on Multimodal Metaphor at Home and Abroad
摘要 近年来,国内外多模态隐喻研究的最新进展表现出如下特征:在研究内容上,理论综述和应用研究并举,但关注焦点较为有限,且所涉语类有失平衡;在研究方法上,内省式研究为主,实证研究相对匮乏;在研究视角上,学科局限性较大,跨学科、跨领域研究不充分。在此基础上可以对其研究前景做出展望,即研究内容应更加深入、全面,研究方法需要更加科学、多元,研究视角也需更加开放、多样。 In recent years, the latest progress in the study of multimodal metaphor at home and abroad presents the following characteristics: first, the research contents stress both theory and application, but the focus is limit- ed, and the language category involved remains unbalanced; next, as to the research methods, introspective study is given priority to, but the empirical research is relatively scarce; finally, considering the study angle of view, the research is largely limited within the subject and the interdisciplinary research is not sufficient. Based on the above analysis, this paper expects a future with study contents more comprehensive, study method more scientific and study perspectives more varied.
作者 陈彦瑞
出处 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 2013年第6期54-57,共4页 Journal of Xuchang University
关键词 隐喻 多模态隐喻 研究动态 前景展望 metaphor multimodal metaphor research trends prospect
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