[目的]评价浙江省肿瘤医院2008~2012年住院疾病谱和病源来源情况,为医院加强管理、提高竞争力提供参考依据。[方法]资料来源于该院2008年1月1日至2012年12月31日住院患者的住院恶性肿瘤病例首页,并按《国际疾病分类标准》对所有病例进行分类。运用Excel统计分析住院患者的构成比和地区分布。[结果]2008~2012年总住院215 079人次,男女比为1∶1.127。2012年较2008年住院人次上升幅度达86.34%。肺癌位居构成比第一位,占18.42%,其次是乳腺癌(15.26%)、肠癌(10.15%)和胃癌(8.45%)。40~70岁组占总数的80.77%。外省市患者仅占5.30%。在浙江省11个市地中,杭州(31.63%)、绍兴(11.63%)、金华(10.14%)和台州地区(9.13%)为主要病源来源地区,且增幅稳健。[结论]恶性肿瘤住院患者数逐年增加,肺癌、乳腺癌、肠癌和胃癌是最常见病种。该院的服务半径和品牌影响力不断扩大,但还需要制定一系列切实可行的发展战略,增强自身竞争力,促进医院可持续发展。
[Purpose] To investigate the inpatients disease spectrum and the source in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital from 2008 to 2012,to provide basis for improving management and competitiveness. [Methods] The data obtained from front pages of medical records from January 1st,2008 to December 31st,2012. All the cases were classified with 《International Classification of Diseases》. The proportion of diseases and area distribution were analyzed by Excel. [Results] The number of hospitalized person-times from 2008 to 2012 was 215 079,with increaing 86.34% from 2008 to 2012. The ratio of male to female was 1∶1.127. Lung cancer ranked the first accounted for 18.42% of the all,followed by breast cancer(15.26%),colorectal cancer(10.15%)and stomach cancer(8.45%). 80.77% of the patients aged from 40 to 70 years old. Patients from other province merely accounted for 5.30% of all. Among the 11 areas in Zhejiang province,Hangzhou(31.63%), Shaoxing(11.63%),Jinhua(10.14%)and Taizhou(9.13%)were the major patients source areas with a relatively stable trend of increaing. [Conclusion] The number of inpatients increases year by year. Lung cancer,breast cancer,colorectal cancer and stomach cancer constitute the common diseases. While the service scope expanded and brand impact heightened,a series of pragmatic strategies of development still should be carried out to improve the competitiveness and promote the sustainable development of the hospital.
China Cancer
cancer hospital
Zhejiang province
disease proportion
area distrubution