
美国的区域合作战略:区域还是全球?——美国推动TPP的行为逻辑 被引量:31

America's FTA Strategy:Regional or Global? The Behavioral Logic behind American Promotion of TPP
摘要 修正的新区域主义理论表明,经济大国追求区域合作的目标在于获得影响国际经济规则的能力。在相对实力下降的背景下,美国参与和推动TPP谈判,不仅有利于削弱东亚贸易集团的影响力,而且有利于美国通过其不对称的经济优势在亚太地区推广美国版本的贸易规则,进而对中国、印度和巴西等新兴经济体集团造成谈判压力,迫使它们在多边贸易谈判中接受美国的贸易标准,从而维护美国的全球贸易地位和利益。未来,无论TPP具体谈判进展如何,为了应对新兴大国的持续崛起,美国势必会继续加强在区域合作上的投入,以便在多边贸易体制内形成以美国为核心的贸易集团,巩固其相对新兴贸易集团的不对称经济地位,直至迫使这些贸易集团接受其主导的国际规则。 Revisionist theories of new regionalism show that the goal great economic powers seek through regional cooperation is to obtain the capacity to influence international economic rules.Against the backdrop of its declining power,the United States participation in and promotion of TPP serves not only to weaken the influence of East Asian trade groupings,but also helps the U.S.leverage its asymmetric economic advantages to promote American style trade norms in East Asia.This places pressure on emerging economies such as China,India and Brazil,forcing them to accept American trade standards in multilateral trade negotiations and maintain America's position and interests with respect to global trade.In the future,regardless of developments in the TPP negotiations,America will continue to focus more attention on regional cooperation as a means of responding to the rise of emerging powers.This will help mold the trade by placing America at center in multilateral trade negotiations,consolidate America's asymmetric position vis-d-vis emerging trade blocs,and force such emerging trade blocs to accept America trade principles.
作者 沈铭辉
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期70-94,152,共25页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP) 贸易集团 规则制定 有顺序的谈判 Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP) Trade Bloc Rule Making Sequential Negotiation
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