
锆材管件的失效分析 被引量:1

Failure Analysis of Zirconium Pipes
摘要 某化工企业装置中,其锆材(Zr702)管件在生产过程和停车检修时均发现裂纹,并且裂纹已经贯穿管壁。根据对出现裂纹的管件进行断口分析和能谱分析可知,锆管的开裂是沿晶开裂。引起锆管开裂的因素包括力学因素、焊接因素以及温度、介质因素等。 In the chemical device of a plant, cracks of zirconium (Zr702) pipes are found during production process and shutdown for maintenance, and the cracks have been run through the tube wall. According to the fracture analysis and spectrum analysis of the pipes with cracks, the cracks are intergranular cracks. Factors causing cracks include mechanical factors, welding factors as well as temperature and medium factors.
作者 蒋爱国
出处 《化工装备技术》 CAS 2013年第3期42-44,共3页 Chemical Equipment Technology
关键词 锆管件 裂纹 失效分析 冷压成形 焊接 Zirconium pipe Crack Failure analysis Cold briquetting Welding
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