
动态3D虚拟场景并行化光线跟踪加速结构设计 被引量:2

Hybrid Parallel Ray Tracing Acceleration Structure for 3D Dynamic Scenes
摘要 为提高光线与虚拟场景几何面片求交的计算效率,提出一种基于混合模式的空间加速结构。该方法改进传统的层次包围盒,把细分层次包围盒与空间均匀网格划分相结合,实现了可并行的混合空间加速设计。此外,把帧间可重用的数据抽取至数据缓存,建立多几何群组的加速结构共享,实现了光线跟踪算法的并行优化。实验证明,该混合加速结构能有效加快光线跟踪的光线场景求交判断速度,快速实现光线跟踪并行化计算。 In order to improve the efficiency of light and the virtual scene geometry intersection, a hybrid spatial accel- eration structure is proposed. This novel method improved the traditional hierarchical bounding box by combining the split clipping bounding box and uniform mesh structure and a parallel hybrid accelerate structure is achieved. In addi- tion, the inter-reusable data is extracted to the data cache and a multiple geometric structure of the group sharing is constructed to optimize parallel ray tracing algorithm. Experiments show that the hybrid accelerating structure can effec- tively accelerate ray tracing lighting scenes intersection judge speed, ray tracing parallel computing can quickly achieved.
出处 《长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第6期140-143,共4页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAE69B01) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20110491304)
关键词 真实感绘制 光线跟踪 加速结构 动态场景 photorealistic rendering ray tracing acceleration structure dynamic scenes
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