目的了解达州市食品中铅、镉、汞、铝和砷等重金属及有害元素的污染状况。方法按照《四川省食品安全风险监测实施方案》要求,对达州市及郊县主城区的农贸市场、超市和便民服务点等销售的食品开展铅、镉、汞、铝和砷含量检测。结果 3年共开展铅、镉、汞含量监测食品分别12类337份、9类308份和9类288份,总检出率分别是89.02%、81.49%和81.60%,总合格率分别是86.65%、95.58%和94.50%,铅的检出率高于镉、汞且合格率低于镉、汞。铅、镉、汞含量均值分别以薯条2.0050 mg/kg、猪肾0.8111 mg/kg和鲜食用菌0.0649 mg/kg最高。畜肉、新鲜蔬菜和鲜牛奶等群众经常消费的食品中铅合格率低于80%,薯条和鸡肝中铅含量全部超标。铝含量监测食品6类76份,全部检出且合格率仅74.46%,均值以油条270.77 mg/kg最高且超过国家限量。砷含量监测食品2类35份,检出率40.00%且全部合格。结论达州市食品中重金属及有害元素污染总体较轻,但铅、铝污染较重,薯条和鲜牛奶中铅、猪肾中镉、鲜食用菌中汞、油条中铝等金属污染现象突出,应加强肉及肉制品、谷物及其制品、新鲜蔬菜和鲜食用菌等食品重金属污染的检测和监管,降低食品重金属污染的健康风险。
Objective To investigate the contamination situation of heavy metals and other harmful elements in food of Dazhou. Methods According to the requirements of "Food safety risk monitoring plan of Sichuan", various kinds of food were collected to detect the contents of some metals, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum and arsenic. All the food were sold at farmers' markets, supermarkets and convenient service points of Dazhou city, suburbs and countries. Results Lead in 337 food samples of 12 kinds, cadmium in 308 samples of 9 kinds and mercury in 288 samples of 9 kinds were monitored during 2010 - 2012. The total detection rates were 89.02% , 81.49% and 81.60% , and the total qualified rates were 86.65% , 95.58% and 94.50% respectively. As result analysis, lead showed higher detection rate but lower qualified rate when compared with cadmi- um arHl mercury. The highest content of lead, cadmium and mercury existed in chips (2. 0050 mg/kg ), pig kidney (0.8111 mg/kg) and fresh edible fungus (0.0649 mg/kg) respectively. The qualified rates of lead in meat, fresh vegetables and milk were all under 80%. All the chips and chicken liver samples were found exceeding lead content. The detection rate of aluminum in 76 food samples of 6 kinds was 100% and the qualified rate was 74.46%. The hightest aluminum content was from deep - fried dough sticks, which was 270.77 mg/kg and over the national limit. Arsenic content was analyzed in 35 samples of 2 kinds, the detection rate was 40% and all of these showed qualified content. Conclusion The contamination of heavy metals and other harmful elements is slight in Dazhou, but lead and aluminum pollution are serious. Lead in chips and fish milk, cadmium in pig kidney, mercury in fresh edible fungus and aluminum in deep - fried dough sticks were especially obvious. The detection and supervision should be further strengthened on food, especially in meat and meat products, cereals and derived products, fresh vegetables and fresh edible fungus, to reduce heavy metals contamination.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Heavy metals
Harmful elements