目的 :探讨云南漾濞彝族族群HLA DQA1频率分布特征 ,并与华人 19个群体比较。方法 :采用限制性片段长度多态性分析 (PCR RFLP)方法。结果 :DQA1 0 30 1(31 6 3 % )最高 , 0 40 1(1 0 2 % )最低。卡方总体检验表明 ,该族群与北方六个汉人群体、满族、新加坡群体及新疆维吾尔族无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ,但有个别基因频率的显著差异 ;布依族、傣族、台湾群体组成复杂 ,与其他群体有很大显著差异 (P >0 0 0 1) ;广东汉人与广西壮族与其他群体也有极其显著的差异 ;哈萨克族与维吾尔族相似 ;维吾尔族与部分北方汉族并无显著差异 ;藏族与哈萨克族、新加坡群体无显著差异。结论 :南方各族群DQA1的复杂构成 ,可能与起源的多样性或地域环境有关。漾濞彝族族群HLA
Objective:To investigate HLA DQA1 alleles distribution in the Yichu of Yangbi county, Yunnan province, compared with other Chinese group Methods:PCR RFLP.Results: Of 8 DQA1 alleles studied, DQA1*0301 (allele frequency 31 63%) is the most common allele in this Yichu, and DQA1*0401 (1 02%) is the rarest Chi square test shows that Yangbi Yichu has no significant difference with six northern Han groups, Man, Singaporean and Uygurs of Xinjiang In contrast, Buyi, Dai and Taiwan Residents is much more complicated with a significant difference from other groups A similar observation was found in Guangdong Han and Guangxi Zhuang Similar to Kazak, Uygurs showed no significant difference with some of northern Han groups Tibetans have no significant difference with Kazaks and Singaporean Conclusion: DQA1 complexity of southern ethnic group is probably result of mutilple origin or stress of different environment Yangbi Yi ethnic group has characteristic of Northern group
Chinese Journal of Immunology
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