[目的 ]分析火灾的危险因素 ,探讨火灾的防范措施 ,预防和控制火灾对人类所造成的伤害。 [方法 ]在描述1996~ 1998年全国 30个省、自治区、直辖市火灾分布的基础上 ,对 2 7个省、自治区的火灾情况进行聚类分析 ,再分别研究各类地区的火灾特点。 [结果 ]根据Mcquitty相似分析法系统聚类分析的结果 ,可将 2 7个省、自治区分为 5类 ,每一类地区的人口状况、生产及生活情况与其火灾情况呈现密切的对应关系 ,即经济越发达的地区 ,火灾受害情况越严重。 [结论 ]在经济迅速发展的时候 。
Objective]Approaching harmful factors and preventive measures of fires for controlling fires and preventing fires from harming people [Methods]On the basis of describing the fire distribution over 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions throughout the country, the fire cases of 27 provinces and autonomous regions are analysed with cluster analysis The features of fires in different kinds of areas are studied [Results]Classifying 27 provinces and autonomous regions into five categories according to the results of Mcquitty's similarity analysis In each category of areas, there are close relationship of fires with populations, production and livelihood More serious fires occurred in developed areas [Conclusions]Being more attention to fire prevention in areas when economy grows rapidly
Liferatue and Information On Preventine Medicine
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