目的 研究芳香化酶 m RNA(arom atase m NRA)在小鼠脑内的基因表达。 方法 原位杂交组织化学和 RNA斑点杂交。 结果 (1)斑点杂交结果显示 ,脑内芳香化酶 m RNA在小鼠 E16 - P30 0整个发育过程中均有表达 ,表达高峰在生后 6 d左右 ,成年后降至最低 ;(2 )脑内芳香化酶 m RNA主要定位于神经元 ;(3)芳香化酶 m R-NA在脑内的表达 ,阳性区域主要分布于大脑皮层 ,丘脑、下丘脑及边缘系统。其中 ,皮质锥体细胞层、内侧视前区、隔内侧核、海马各区锥体层、杏仁核群、扣带皮质、梨状前皮质及杏仁周皮质等部位阳性信号较强 ;中等强度的阳性信号见于丘脑腹内、外侧核 ,丘脑外侧背核、下丘脑室旁核、室周核等处。 结论 以上结果进一步证明脑内芳香化酶的表达与脑发育存在一定的相关性 ,芳香化酶 m RNA的表达部位与文献报道酶的活性分布基本一致 ;海马及大脑皮质内芳香化酶 m RNA强阳性提示芳香化酶的表达可能与认知及学习记忆的性分化有关。
Objective\ To exam the expression and the distribution of the aromatase mRNA in the brain of the mouse. Methods\ RNA dot\|blotting as well as in situ hybridization technique were used. Results\ (1)There were aromatase specific mRNA expression in the brain tissue during the period from E16 to P300,the highest levels of mRNA were detected at postnatal 6 days,and the lowest levels were found at adulthood.(2)The location of the aromatase mRNA was confined to neuronal(but not glial)cell bodies and their processes.(3)The mainly distribution of aromatase mRNA was detected in the regions of the cerebral cortex,thalamus,hypothalamus and limbic system.Many heavily labeled cells were found in the layer of pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex,medial preoptic area.medial septal nucleus,pyramidal layer of hippocampus,amygdaloid nuclei.cingulate cortex,piriform cortex and periamygdaloid cortex.The moderately dense signal was present in several thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei such as ventromedial nucleus,ventrolateral nucleus,laterodorsal thalamic nucleus,paraventricular nucleus,etc. Conclusion\ There was relationship between the gene expression of aromatase with the development of brain,there was good agreement between the distribution of aromatase mRNA and aromatase activity as previously reported.The high levels of aromatase mRNA in the region of hippocampus and cerebral cortex suggested that aromatase may implicate for sex dimorphism in cognition as well as learning and memory.\;
Acta Anatomica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目!( 3 9870 2 74)