The world's total initial methane hydrate (MH) reserves in place in both onshore and offshore de posits currently stand at The MH reserves confirmed in the perimeters of Japan exceed Both the United States' and Japan' MH development plans are primarily targeting MH in sand formations. Japan's MH Development Study and Discussion Committee released the "Japan MH Development Program" in July 2001 and established the Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in Japan (also known as MH21) to implement the program from basic study to commercial production.The first phase of the program (2001-2008) was basic study,devised to investigate the amount of resources in the South Sea trench in the east.The targets of the second phase of the program (2009-2015) are to select resource sites off Japan's coast to carry out the world's first trial production using the depressurization method,to configure machinery and equipment ,design opertional procedures and study their economical efficiencies for commercial production, and to test environmental impact monitoring equipment.In the third phase of the program (2016-2018),tech nological development will be commercialized.Japan successfully completed the first phase of its MH develop ment program in 2008 and concluded that the depressurization method is suitable for use in MH production off Japan's coast.The second and third phases of the program are virtually the growth periods of technologi cal development.After eommerieal production starts in 2018,private enterprises will become the main players in MH production and bear the technical,economic and environmental risks involved.The United States has conducted field tests on MH production involving the injection of CO2.India,South Korea and China have also begun to research and develop MH.
Sino-Global Energy
methane hydrate
natural gas
research and development
depressurization method
C02 injec-tion method