按生产要素分配必将是事业单位分配制度改革的重点与发展方向。福田区卫生防疫站尝试按技术、管理、知识、信息等生产要素分配。主要成效 :一是更好地体现了社会公正与公平 ;二是更好地体现了尊重知识、尊重人才 ;
Distribution according to production factors should be key point and developmental direction of distribution system reform in institution. We attempted to distribute salary according to elements of production, such as technique, management, knowledge, information, and so on. The main achievements were social fairness was embodied more, respecting knowledge and talent was embodied more and advanced social productivity was embodied more. Authors′address Futian District Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention Station in Shenzhen City, Shenzhen, P.R.China.
Chinese Health Service Management