

Tomorrow's Material Today:From Data to Design in Engineered bamboo
摘要 竹子在建筑中的使用历史已有几千年。然而今天,对于它在当代建筑与工程中的可用性仍存在许多误解。本文介绍了一些竹子应用的实例、打破一些成见,并细致入微地研究了竹子在胶合竹和重组竹等结构性复合材料中的特性。我们给出了眼下正在开展的研究课题的大纲,以确立工程竹材在建筑和环境方面所具有的性能的实际特性。这些特征表明这类材料所具有的个性和价值,并将开启一个竹构建筑的新时代。 Bamboo has been used in construction for thousands of years. Today, however, many misconceptions remain about its usability for contemporary architecture and engineering design. This paper presents examples of its use today, dispels some myths, and looks in detail at its properties in the form of structural composites such as laminated bamboo and bamboo scrimber. We give an outline of on-going research to establish the true characteristics of engineered bamboo in terms of its structural and environmental performance. This research already shows that these materials have some unique and valuable properties that may lead to a new era in bamboo construction.
出处 《世界建筑》 2013年第12期35-39,共5页 World Architecture
基金 工程与物理科学研究委员会[EPSRC]的支持 八国集团研究委员会倡议的多边研究经费 麻省理工学院 英属哥伦比亚大学与牛顿信托基金的资助[EP/K023403/1]~~
关键词 竹构建筑 竹子复合材料 结构特性 生命周期分析 工程竹材 bamboo construction, bamboo composites,structural properties, life-cycle analysis, engineered bamboo
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