MIPI射频前端控制接口(RFFE)是一种总线接口的标准,是最近两年多才发展起来的一门新兴技术,与I2 C、SPI总线相比有许多优点,可以使射频芯片更好地控制前端设备,更能满足未来无线移动系统的需求。本文首先对MIPI RFFE进行概述,然后具体分析了该RFFE总线IP的实现思路和结构,最后用Verilog语言通过VCS进行仿真验证。该IP控制简单,易于实现,适于在挂载多个射频设备的接口中使用。
MIPI RF Frond-End Control Interfaee(RFFE) is the specification of a bus interface specifically tailored for the needs of current and future mobile wireless systems to control the slave devices in an RF front-end. This new technique has so many advantages over I^C and SPI. So this article gives an overview of MIPI RFFE and the strategey to realize the IP for RFFE,and simulate the IP through VCS at last. It is convenient to implement and control the IP,and can be used wisely in many fields.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems