
基于CREAM的后方仓库叉车装卸运输弹药HRA评估 被引量:1

HRA Assessment of Fork Loads and Unloads Ammunition Based on CREAM
摘要 针对我军后方仓库弹药装卸运输环节对人员叉车操作的安全性需求,设计出了叉车操作测试场地路线,归纳总结了人员操作叉车进行弹药装卸运输环节中的安全失效形式及失效原因,构建了HRA评估数学模型.选取我军某后方仓库搬运机械建制班人员为对象,进行了实地测试,得到了弹药装卸运输环节的人为失误概率.测试结果表明,基于CREAM方法能够较好地解决后方仓库弹药装卸运输环节人为失误概率的量化问题. With regard to the safety requirements of ammunition during transportation on the site of warehouse,a testing path is designed, forms of ineffective safety measures and their causes are summed up for forklift operation,and an HRA assessment model is built. The forklift operators of a warehouse are chosen as the assessment subjects,and the probability of human error is gained. The result of test shows that by using CREAM they can better calculate the probability of human error of the forklift operators at work at the warehouse.
出处 《军械工程学院学报》 2013年第5期10-16,共7页 Journal of Ordnance Engineering College
关键词 CREAM 弹药安全 叉车装卸 人为失误 HRA评估 CREAM i ammunition security fork loads and un loads human error HRA assessment
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