人工林生态系统的C储量是陆地生态系统碳库之一,皆伐炼山所造成的环境负效应值得深思.本文以华西雨屏区28 a生杉木人工林为研究对象,旨在阐明皆伐和炼山对杉木人工林生态系统C库的影响.结果如下:(1)皆伐所造成的干材C转移量为85.9(±7.6)t·hm-2、(2)炼山所造成的采伐剩余物、林下层植物和凋落物C量损失分别为8.8(±0.3)t·hm-2、0.19(±0.02)t·hm-2和2.80(±0.08)t·hm-2、(3)炼山能显著降低0 ~60 cm层的土壤有机碳含量,其C损失量为39.5(±1.0)t·hm-2.炼山造成的采伐剩余物、林下层植物、凋落物和土壤有机质燃烧所释放CO2量为188.1 t·hm-2.在全球气候变化情景下,人工林皆伐炼山所造成的环境负效应不容忽视.
Carbon reserve of artificial forest ecosystem is one of the major carbon stocks of terrestrial eco- logical system. Negative environmental effects caused by clear-cutting and slash burning deserve careful thought. In this paper,28-years-old Chinese fir plantation in the rainy area of Southwest China was taken as the research objective, and the main aim was to clarify the effects of clear-cutting and slash burning on carbon stock of Chinese fir plantation. The results showed that ( 1 ) C transfer amount of wood caused by logging was 85.9 ( ± 7.6) t hm-2, (2) C loss of logging residues, understorey and litter caused by slash burning were 8.8 (±0.3) t hm-2,0. 19 (±0.02) t. hm-2 and 2.80 (±0.08) t-hm-2,re- spectively. (3) Slash burning could significantly decrease the content of soil organic carbon in 0 - 60 cm layer,the C loss was 39. 5 ( ± 1 ) t hm-2. The total release of CO2 caused by burning of the understorey plants, litter and soil organic matter,was 188.1 t hm-2. In the global climate change, negative environ- mental effects caused by clear-cutting and slash burning of plantation nust not be ignored.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
Carbon stock, Logging residue, Slash burning, Chinese fir plantation, Rainy Area of Southwest China