
跨界搜索、企业内部协作网络与创新产出技术影响力:基于全球半导体行业的实证分析 被引量:6

Boundary-spanning search, Intra-organizational Collaborative Boundary-spanning Search,Intra-organizational Collaborative Networks and Technological Impact of Innovative Output:Empirical Analysis of Global Semiconductor Industry
摘要 本研究通过对全球半导体行业1991-2000年间64家上市公司样本,实证检验跨界搜索对创新产出技术影响力的作用关系,及企业内部协作网络整合度对跨界搜索有效性的调节机制。本研究认为,企业内部协作网络,作为企业重要的非正式组织,直接影响组织内部知识交换过程,进而影响跨界搜索的有效性。结果发现:(1)跨界搜索对创新产出技术影响力存在倒U性关系;(2)协作网络整合度越高,跨界搜索对创新产出技术影响力的正影响就越强。 This paper uses 64 international semiconductor listed companies from 1991 to 2000 to study how boundary-spanning search has an influence on the technological impact of the innovative output and how integration degree of intra-organizational collaborative networks moderate the relationship between boundary-spanning search and technological impact. This paper argues that intra-organizational collaborative networks are a very important informal organization, which can directly influence the knowledge exchange pattern within an organization and then have an impact on the usefulness of boundary-spanning search. The empirical results show that: the technological impact of the innovative output will increase and then decrease as boundary-spanning search increases; the boundary-spanning search is more positively related to the technological impact of the innovative output for higher integration degree of intra-organizational collaborative networks than for lower integration degree of intra-organizational collaborative networks.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期27-34,共8页 Journal of Xidian University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71232013)
关键词 跨界搜索 企业内部协作网络 创新产出技术影响力 Boundary-spanning search Intra-organizational collaborative networks Technological impact
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