

Influence of Non-Axisymmetric Inlet Flow on Performance of Gas Turbine Compressor
摘要 为了探索非轴对称进气对轴流压气机运行稳定性的影响,采用数值模拟与实验验证相结合的方式,对周向进气周向畸变、径向畸变对压气机稳定的影响进行了分析和比较;并对畸变与流动失稳的关联及诱发失稳的物理机制进行了研究;为提高压气机抗畸变的能力,在叶顶实施了微喷气措施,取得了明显的拓稳效果。 The influence of the non-axisymmetric inlet flow, namely the circurnferential inlet distortion and radial inlet distortion, on the compressor performance is investigated experimentally and numerically. The flow mechanism of inlet distortion effects on compressor instability is presented through direct comparison of the behavior of tip leakage flow and hub separation flow. In order to improve the anti-distorted ability of compressor, the tip micro injection is implemented to show a good improvement of stall margin.
出处 《热力透平》 2013年第4期245-250,共6页 Thermal Turbine
关键词 非轴对称进气 畸变 失稳 微喷气 non-axisymmetric inlet distortion stall micro injection
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