目的探讨重症监护室(ICU)住院患者发生医院感染的危险因素,为制订医院感染预防控制措施提供科学依据。方法收集重庆市璧山县人民医院814例ICU住院患者资料,按医院感染诊断标准分为感染组和非感染组,对其进行回顾调查。按照相关因素先进行单因素分析,并通过建立多因素非条件Logistic回归模型筛检ICU住院患者发生医院感染的危险因素。研究数据采用SAS9.1统计软件包进行统计分析。结果 814例ICU患者中,382例发生医院感染,发生率为46.93%。经Logistic回归模型分析显示,年龄、病情、住院时间、手术因素、侵袭性操作、使用广谱抗菌药物、使用激素、放疗和化疗治疗、血液透析等是造成ICU患者发生医院感染的危险因素。结论开展ICU医院感染专项监测,针对重要危险因素加强防范措施可减少医院感染发生。
Objective To explore the risk factors of nosocomial infections among patients in ICU,and to pro- vide evidence for formulating the clinical prevention strategies. Methods The datas of eight hundred and fourteen patients in ICU were collected in this retrospective study. According to the diagnostic standard of nosocomial infec- tions,participants were divided into infection group and non infection group). The multi factors logistic regression was adopted after single factor regression analysis. All statistics of results were based on SAS9.1. Results The inci- dence of nosocomial infections was 46.93~ (382/814). The results of logistic regression analysis showed that the ma- jor risk factors influencing nosocomial infections would include age, illness condition, surgical operation,invasive oper- ation,application of broad-spectrum antibiotics,et al. Conclusion Active surveillance should be carried out to monitor nosocomial infections, effective measures should be took to reduce or avoid the risk factors for nosocomial infections.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic